How Much Does a Diet & Nutrition Planning App Costs?

Vidyasagarc Us
3 min readSep 30, 2021
diet and nutrition app cost

It is always a trend to know about eating habits regardless of whether you are a gym freak or not. The coronavirus-driven focus on immune-boosting eating habits has pushed the need to keep track of what you eat in the forefront.

The Health & Fitness sector is about serving people with a healthy lifestyle so that they can maintain a balance between health and wealth. If you want to enter the multi-million dollar health & fitness industry with the exciting Diet & Nutrition mobile app, End Point Mobile App will be on the standards of quality, customer engagement, and profitability, which will lead you more positively to follow your passion. . Now, in our case when designing an app that appeals to a simple content niche like the Diet Planner mobile app, the level of expectation from end-users or users is very demanding and the minimum level expectation to get good profit is to match the Diet and Nutrition app.

This article focuses on entrepreneurs who want to enter a growing field and estimate the Cost To Make A Mobile App in the food and nutrition sector.

Credits: Mindinventory

According to statistics published by Statista, about 26% of Americans regularly use apps to track their diet and nutrition in 2017, while 27% use the app from time to time.

The Diet app offers a range of options:

  1. Healthy eating tips
  2. Water consumption
  3. Food logger
  4. Carbohydrate control/weight loss
  5. Diet planning
  6. Shopping list managers
  7. The calorie counter is based on exercise and food consumption.
  8. Hire Nutritionists & Dietitians

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Features that must be added when making the Diet and Nutrition Tracking App:

The user side of MVP features:

1. Registration

2. Diet and activity logging

3. Calorie tracking

4. Progress graph

5. Push notifications

6. Social Media Integration

Admin side of MVP features:

1. CRM Integration

2. Real-Time Analytics

3. Dashboards

Cost of developing the Diet and Nutrition App:

Estimating the actual price of any application is always a difficult task, as the cost depends on many factors. You are well aware that most Application development companies charge per hour and each segment takes a different amount of time to fully develop. The price of the application also depends on the geographical location of the Application development company.

For example, the cost of application development is highest in the US, where it ranges from $ 50 to $ 250 per hour.

Overall, Mobile app development costs are calculated on the set features, design system, technology stock, and the agency developing it.


Food and nutrition apps are slowly and steadily gaining momentum as more and more people become more and more conscious of their health and fitness.

People want to eat a well-balanced diet that helps keep their weight under control and monitor other important body parameters. Diet apps are doing just that by encouraging people to eat fresh, nutritious and healthy meals.

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